
All posts for the day November 28th, 2009

Doha Home Makeover and Christmas Tree!

Published November 28, 2009 by Mrs. Universe Philippines 2020 - Star Villanueva

We only have 9 days OFF in Doha each month because most of the time we are out of country, all over the world or simply flying but it’s always good to know that at the end of the day, after a tiring flight you’ll go home to a clean and homey atmosphere so we’ve decided to makeover our flat. (Flat is the common term used for Flight Attendant accommodation here in Doha, just like buying a condo unit you have a choice whether Flat or Loft.)

We want to convert our boring spacious living room into a lively area and our common dining area to a special one but that will not happen overnight because we have to clean first, do some laundry, lots of vacuuming, then my favorite part “Shop” for home accessories, Christmas ornaments and a Christmas tree!

A beautiful, symmetrical tree is a perfectsymbol of the Christmas season. But simply by decorating it you’ll create a one-of-a-kind memory of the season…

 * This is our ordinary and not so lively living room, we rearrange it and transfer one sofa to another location in the flat near our rooms.

  * The Dining Table used to be there, now it’s our welcome/chill area since it’s directing towards the main door and that’s our little Christmas tree. It may not be as big like the ones back home in Manila but what’s more important is to feel the essence of Christmas… It’s the thought that counts! =)

* Pictures in our Flat (Taken last Feb 2007)